
Sunday, June 9, 2013

ALMOST done!

I finally have an update on my latest baby!
It took a while, in between work, moving, having a husband to care for and spend quality time with in between spending much needed time with our families it has been hard to do the very detailed rooting job I have going on with "Riley".
(I really MUST think of a name!)
Here is her completed swirl and all I need to do now is thicken her hair up a bit, cut it, and seal it.
Her little swirl is SO cute! I love it. The micro crown needle is working pretty well, since the 43 gauge forked needles that I have are a bit too small for this type of mohair. I have been using ruby red's mohair from BB and must say that I really like it, it is very soft and the texture is actually really nice. I just can't use the 43 g needles. The 42 g forked needles do really well with this mohair, I just don't have any right at the moment.
Here are some pictures with her hair wet, semi-cut, and not thickened with more mohair yet.
Not sure about how much thicker she needs to be since she fits newborn size.
We'll see.
Lately I have been thinking of getting some tutorials and ebooks, particularly the R.E.A.L  reborn and Precious little baby dust's videos. But they are so expensive! I feel like as a reborn artist that is just making it by doing what I love, these people are really racking up!! Especially when I read in blogs of all the ladies that have ordered them. Don't get me wrong, they do improve your art, and maybe I can justify the $90 when I sell a baby at high dollar because of it, but I wish you could pay $100 or so and get more than just ONE specialty.  Like a combo hair painting, rooting, veining, skin texture thing, you know? But $50+ for EACH category will make you go broke before you get the chance to finish a baby!
Oh well, I'll probably break down eventually and get one at a time. Maybe I can go in with someone else (like Amy :) ) and share.
Anyway, thank you for looking and if you have any name suggestions for little baby just let me know!!